Monday, January 31, 2011

One of those days...

Its just. One of those days.
One of those days where you don't want to leave the house (I didn't even go to school :s )
when you have a billion things to do but you seem to fill your time with time-wasters
 homework just isn't a priority
your room looks as if a tornado has hit
 its all completely ok with you.

Haha I just wanna curl up with my most favorite person in the world and cuddle and eat fattening foods and watch a movie :) ya that sounds nice...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Great Day.

Get a job... Check.
Go to the gym for the first time in a year... Check.
Taco Tuesday... Check.
The Bachelor... Check.
A pretty awesome boyfriend who makes me grateful I don't have to go on the Bachelor... Check. Check. Check. :)
Go to school... Check.
No Homework... Check.
See old friends... Check.
Meet new people... Check.
Blood sugar in control... Check.
Dance party with roommates... Check. weather... Check.

wow I'm blessed.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Meet Buddy:

Isn't it cute! I made this little guy all by myself! This was my final for my Interior Materials class. If all my finals consisted only of making furniture I would be so happy. Unfortunately they consist of construction documents and tests too. But this was definately the coolest final i've ever had. Now just one more project to finish and I'm DONZO!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Would You Rather

Would you rather have your heart broken or break someone else's heart?

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Keepin me goin...

Mmmm.... I can almost TASTE Christmas break it is so close! If I can just make it through these next two weeks without ripping ALL of my hair out (and getting an A in all my classes) it will be a great accomplishment. A few things that are keeping me going:

This wonderful boy, and knowing that after finals I get to spend almost an entire MONTH with him..

These loverly ladies, homework parties in the family room are the best!

And these delicious toaster tasties, without them I would starve to death through all of this.

What more does a girl need?

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Harry Potter Halapalooza!

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: My first midnight premier!! It was brilliant, simply brilliant. I am such a Harry Potter nerd and thank GOODNESS my roommates are too! Oh how I love Harry.. and Ron. and Hermione. and Dumbledore. and Magic. and Hogwarts. and Butter Beer. and awkward Ginny. I could go on forever really... Accio July!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


....rules my life. Here it sits next to me.. unfinished. And that is how it will stay. Too many other things to stress about this week. CAN'T WAIT UNTIL ITS OVER!!! Wanna know how I really feel...? Ha..

Thursday, September 16, 2010

its a girl thing

So because of recent events.. and upcoming events... weddings just have been on the brain. Not that I'm planning my own or anything but girls.. isn't it so fun to think about?! I know I'm not the only one who has thought about this since I was 12 years old... Wearing a pretty dress and wearing a pretty ring and taking pretty pictures with a pretty husband. Ahh sounds like a good time to me! The roomies and I have spent lots of time ( probably WAAY too much time) looking at different photography blogs lately and has gotten us all in the spirit of love. I have soo many weddings coming up and I'm just so excited to go and see all the pretty things at them! I'm sure whoever reads this (which is like 2 of you) is going to think I'm a total weirdo.. but I'm glad Ashley Marie Hillam shares my excitement on this topic :)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Country Living

For Labor Day weekend, the roomies and friends took a much needed mini vaca up to Katie Jo's humble abode in Ririe, Idaho. I never was planning on going... Just haven't felt like being around people too much these last few weeks. But at the very last second.. I decided to go! And I am so glad I did! I kinda needed to get out and have a little fun. It was so nice to be with friends and just do things us city folk don't get to do too often. So are you ready for a list of the fun things we did?? You know how I love lists... (Once I figure out how to put pictures on this stupid thing i might do that too..)

  • Played the ABC game Harry Potter style

  • Ate great food cooked by Katie's family

  • Four wheeling

  • Threw rocks in the river to see who could make the biggest splash

  • Caught Frogs! (My Fav!!) She has them all over her yard!

  • Roasted mallows over a fire

  • Watched the dog fight with the cat

  • Took naps.. like everyday

  • Had a giant slumber party with 10 people in one room

  • Played games

  • Played dodge ball on Sunday

  • Got to know Ash's boy Kevin (Who we LOVE! Get married :))

  • Had lots of talks, laughs, and good times...

I might even be missing some but that's one long list of fun! I have the greatest roommates, I really don't know what I'd do without them!

So that was my great, unexpected weekend in ID. But now its back to reality and school and mice! School is going to start getting busy in the next week... YAY! GREAT! (...if you can't sense my sarcasm, that was sarcastic.) The bloody mouse is still in our house and the thing won't die! I'm sorry Remi, but you need to be gone. Looks like its time to get a cat!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A Fresh Start

Well its a new school year so I guess its time for a new blog! I was terrible at this last year so I'm going to make a conscious effort to be better. This new year comes with a lot of new changes. Some good and some not so good... So lets start with the good!

First, I get to live with all my great roomies again who I missed so much! They are great and I love them. We have a GREAT house with lots of space for friends and fun :) Being the interior design major that I am, I totally made over my room and it is so cute! Perfect for loooooong days and nights full of homework.
My classes this year are going to be so interesting! I am going to learn so much this year and it makes me giddy :) My schedule consists of Interior Materials, Architectural Systems, Design Seminar, Revit, and Marketing. With all the crazy/fun/hard/tiring projects I have this semester my creativity will definitely be getting a good workout!

So do you really want to hear the bad? Ya I didn't think so.. But sometimes the bad makes you appreciate the good more right? Right.

Well first off this summer I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. For the most part I'm getting everything under control but its still kinda poopy! There is a lot of stuff to remember and a lot more effort goes into taking care of myself than I am used to. But I'm not dying people so don't fret.
Next, we have a mouse in our house! Wwwhhhaat! I hear him running around above me and its totally creepy. I've named him Remi and when my trap catches him I will be sure to give him a proper funeral. Maybe. Oh one more good thing... that's the end of the bad news!

So this year I've decided to try something. I'm taking a year to be selfish. Sounds selfish right? Well don't worry I'll still share my cookies... But I'm going to try to take a year and do what I really want to do. And whoever wants to jump on board with me that's great! But if not... then oh well poopy for you! But I have all kinds of things I want to do and I'm not going to let anyone get in my way. I figure why I'm young I might as well do everything I want because i might not get the chance later. So I'm gonna do lots! Wanna see a list? I love lists.........

Go to Maryland
Move out of Utah.. for a while
Focus and do really well in school
Do design FOR FUN.. and not just for school
Not worry about money

I'll come up with more I promise.

I'm excited to have started this blog.. again. I don't even care if anyone reads it.. its probably boring anyway but it will keep me motivated to do stuff so I guess its just me being selfish :) looks like I'm off to a great start!